Dr Peter Ghin
Cultural Value represents the culmination of Peter's lifework as an organisation studies scholar, a consultant, a leader, an employee, a creative, a coach and mentor, and someone who has lived with chronic illness for most of his life.
Peter has never chosen a linear path in life - he's always been guided by his curiosity, his passion, and his determination to overcome the 'mind-forged manacles' that prevent us from thriving.
His life experiences and his research exploring chronic illness in the workplace, have affirmed Peter's belief in the importance of addressing issues at a systemic and individual level to affect lasting change.
His vision for Cultural Value is to help reframe ableist narratives of work to ensure that people living with chronic illness are are not excluded from employment opportunities, meaningful work and career fulfillment.
Peter's daily movements are closely observed by his dog-like cat Charles, who never let's him miss a meal time.