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Information and Advocacy Tools

If you find the research we do useful for organisational development and/or advocacy purposes, we encourage you to share it within your workplace and your broader networks.

 We just ask that you credit Cultural Value as the originator of the source material. Reach out to us if you have any questions or require a higher resolution image for your purposes..


Organisational Development

Workplace Policy Intersections

This diagram illustrates the breadth of organisational policies that are relevant to managing chronic illness in the workplace. The policy map is particularly useful for organisations that are at the early stages of understanding the impact of chronic illness on their business, and want to ensure that their policies are inclusive for people living with long-term health conditions.
Source: Cultural Value, 2024
policy intersections.png

Dynamics of Workplace Disclosure

This diagram identifies some of the often invisible dynamics at play during the illness disclosure process. It explores factors that influence a worker's decision to disclose illness to their manager, and the factors that may influence how that disclosure is received.
Source: Cultural Value, 2024
Factors Influencing Disclosure(2).png

Chronic Illness Lifecycle Stressors

This graphic illustrates some of the key stressors that impact the lives of people with chronic illness over the lifecycle.

The private sphere (orange zone) is indicative of the kind of stressors that often play out internally for individuals and can remain hidden in the workplace. The work sphere (blue zone) is indicative of the stressors that can become most apparent in the workplace.
Source: Cultural Value, 2024
Lifecyle Stressors

Employer Benefits of Illness Disclsoure

Chronic illness disclosure is often framed around the benefits to employees wellbeing, however, this graph highlights some of the significant benefits for employers when workers disclose their illness.
Source: Cultural Value, 2024
Employer Benefits

MADE Model

The MADE Model is a simple tool that can help inform managerial decision-making when it comes to supporting employees with chronic illness. Possible pathways for action are based on an employees level of functional impairment, self-knowledge regarding their illness and its impact on work ability.
Source: Cultural Value, 2024
Managing people(3).png

Chronic Illness Maturity Model

The Chronic Illness Maturity Model is a useful tool to benchmark your organisation's current level of awareness and also it's future aspiration, when it comes to managing chronic illness in the workplace.
Source: Cultural Value, 2024
CI_Maturity model.png

Chronic Illness @Work Graphic Shorts

Cultural Value has produced a series of graphic shorts (based on our research), that articulate people's experience of living with chronic illness in the workplace.

Graphic short #1 captures people's fears about how work colleagues might react to a disclosure of illness.
Source: Cultural Value, 2024

Chronic Illness Statistics

Chronic Illness Prevalence

These graphs show the prevalence of chronic conditions and long-term health conditions amongst Australians who are employed.
Data source: ABS, National Health Survey, 2022
LTHC Prevalence.png
CC Prevalence.png

Chronic Illness x Age

This graph illustrates the trajectory of chronic conditions by age. It shows how mental health and behavioural disorders (purple line) buck the trend of chronic illness increasing with age.
Data source: ABS, National Health Survey, 2022
CC x Age

Chronic Illness & Labour Force Participation

This series of graphs looks at historical trends of labour force participation by people who live with chronic illness, and the impediments they face to entering the labour market.

It also shows that the primary incentive to encourage more people with chronic conditions into the labour market is the availability of part-time work.
Data source: ABS, Labour Force Survey (Annual), 2023
LFP CC.png
main reason unavailable.png
main difficulty finding work.png



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Cultural Value acknowledges the Traditional Owners of the land where we work and live, the Wurundjeri people of the Kulin Nation and we pay our respects to Elders past and present. We celebrate the stories, culture and traditions of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Elders. We also recognise that about 80% of the mortality gap between Indigenous and other Australians aged 35–74 years is due to chronic diseases.

Cultural Value is a proud queer and disability owned business. This doesn't make us better than anyone else. just equal.

© 2009-2024 Cultural Value, Pty Ltd. All rights reserved



SME Advisory


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